Sixteen baseline sites have been established and are sampled annually for water chemistry, habitat, and various other parameters. Biological sampling will provide a more comprehensive assessment of the stream’s health. The Fort Peck Tribes (FPT) have developed and are re-assessing reference streams using a modified version of the Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (RBP) II and V. Habitat assessment is being completed using the RBP Guidance document methods and a Nonpoint Source (NPS) Stream Reach Assessment developed by the State of Montana for NPS pollution. Channel data are also collected at the baseline sites and provides information to help identify and evaluate physical characteristics of existing stream conditions and future behaviors. The relative stability of the bed, banks, and materials of the stream/river provide valuable interpretations and assessments of the rate, magnitude, consequence and nature of a change of river character. Parameters to be measured can be found on the approved Work Plan. The FPT’s have added two more sampling events for the baseline sites that include a smaller suit of water samples, meter readings and discharge. These samples are collected in the spring before summer field season and in the Fall after field season is complete before winter sets in.